Colliding Galaxies with Mathematica

Ball State Astronomy

CCD images taken by Jeff Bryant at Ball State University's Department of Astronomy


Ball State Department of Astronomy Observatory

From 1996 to 1998, I spent my time working towards my Masters degree where I specialized in astronomy. As a benefit, I was given keys to the Ball State University Observatory. While there, a fellow student, Ben Cristoffel, and I stayed up late one night trying to see how many deep sky objects we could find. The instrumentation included a Star-I thermocouple-cooled CCD camera and a Celstron 14" SCT telescope. None of the images are flat-fielded so dirt and dust in the light path is still evident. Also, the exposure's were kept short so that we could quickly move on to another object. Unfortunately, I lost the original digital data so I had to rescan these images from laser-printer hardcopies. All of these factors resulted in the less than spectacular results below. However, they show that I have been there and done that. -Enjoy!

NOTE: Click on thumbnail images to see larger version.

M1 (Crab Nebula)
M100 (Spiral Galaxy)
M108 (Dusty High-Inclination Spiral Galaxy w/ No Central Bulge)
M15 (Globular Star Cluster)
M42 (Orion Nebula)
M51 (Spiral Galaxy)
M74 (Spiral Galaxy)
M77 (Seyfert Galaxy)
M81 (Spiral Galaxy)
M82 (Irregular Galaxy)
M98 (Edge-on Spiral Galaxy)
M99 (Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 2403
NGC 2403 (Spiral Galaxy with Halo)
NGC 2683
NGC 2683 (Nearly Edge-on Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 2841
NGC 2841 (Tight Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 2903
NGC 2903 (Barred-Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 3184
NGC 3184 (Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 3628
NGC 3628 (Galaxy)
NGC 4302 and 4298
NGC 4302 & 4298 (Galaxy Pair)
NGC 6946
NGC 6946 (Spiral Galaxy)
NGC 7640
NGC 7640 (Highly-Inclined Galaxy)